I uploaded our 18"x24" photo booth poster to Kinkos to be printed and mounted:

And this afternoon I designed a 4"x4" double-sided post card at uprint.com with instructions for our guests to upload their photos to our smugmug account. We'll have them scattered around the tables at the reception and will include them in our thank you notes envelopes. One side of the glossy card is our monogram on a white background and the other side is the upload instructions, which includes our log in information so I'm not posting a photo here.
Unfortunately I also had to whip together a few more invitations last night after discovering that at least three invites never reached their intended destination. I know it wasn't an oversight on my part because one of the missing invitees is my grandmother, and because I had a triple-check system going on when I assembled and sent the invites out. We were accidentally left off a guest list this winter after receiving a save-the-date so I was hyper-cautious. I didn't realize I should expect a 3%+ margin of error with the USPS. How does the saying go? Good enough for government work?
It's almost 100 degrees outside and hazy. Now S is konked out on the couch "beating the heat" and watching soccer. I bet he'll be psyched to wake up to throwie materials on the table in front of him. Only 70 more to go! I can't decide whether I want to go to go out to get the goods to make a diaper cake for bridesmaids A's sister's shower or if I want to go to the beach to float in the ocean. I'm going to miss our beach when we move. I also think I'm going to freeze at our wedding after realizing this morning that 92 now feels like a nice comfortable temperature. Thank goodness for the cashmere shawl, although I think I may be scrounging for a fur coat that night.